Do you like to participate in Linky Parties? Maybe you don’t know what one is. A Linky Party is where 1 or more bloggers “host” a blog post where you can put a link back to your blog for a specific topic or theme. Many more people will potentially visit your blog thereby possibly increasing your followers. A few months…
Sassy, Repurpose, and Pics
Today’s repurpose and redesign is REALLY big! The first reason is that I don’t think I have ever heard of any repurpose like this and the second is: You get to see a picture of me….and my husband. Shhhhh……don’t tell him because he’s very shy and would not be happy about it! But, first I…
Repurpose, Redesign, and a New Friend!
I’m so proud of our redesign today. But first, I want to introduce you to new friend of mine. Her name is Retro Wifey and she’s on Face Book here Pinterest here Twitter here And, she blogs here! This lovely retro-woman, who is a wife and mother of three living in Maryland, received an email…
Sunday’s Redo – For My Daughter
I have always loved Mid Century Modern (MCM) and Sauder Furniture, most likely because I was surrounded by it as a child. When my daughter was born, she picked up my love as well. When she was in college, we lived in a small town of about 18,000 and the yard sales were fantastic! We…
Repurposing and Redefining
As I have said in the past, my husband and I like to go to yard sales, flea markets, and estate sales. Recently we went to the local flea market and purchased these three things: We paid $5 each for the megaphones and $25 for the prayer bench. We brought them home and the next…
How to Smoke Peppers the Easy Way
I thought that if I could smoke Cheese I could smoke some chile peppers and sure enough, I did! It was sooooo easy too! You can smoke all sorts of peppers with very little work or cost if you don’t own a smoker. What?!?!? What do you mean I can smoke peppers if I don’t…
Smoke Dried Tomatoes
If your garden is like mine, right now there are tomatoes everywhere. You can only do so much to make salsa, spaghetti sauce, and marinara. Smoke Dried Tomatoes are perfect when you have 6-10 (Roma are best) to put up quickly. This is all you need: Roma tomatoes – Peeled or Unpeeled and slices 1/8…