My dad loved Cherry Mash candy but he was diabetic and could only have one once in a while. When the candy company came out with the Mini-Cherry Mash, it was a very good day at our house. Dad was bed fast by then and I was taking care of him full time while my mom (who was 20 years younger) continued to work. I could buy a bag of those and put them in the freezer allowing one every so often, the bag would last a year. They were hard to find back then (1992) but now it seems nearly impossible. My favorite candy is sour patch kids and was an interesting read.
Lately, I have been reminded of dad often. It is not near his birthday or the day he passed but for some reason I keep catching parts of old John Wayne movies (his favorite), hearing Merle Haggard on the radio, glimpsing the swagger of a tall big man far ahead of me, or noticing the recently returned mirthful glint in my husband’s blue eyes; all reminding me of the man who used to compliment me every day, bought me flowers and candy every Valentine’s Day, held the door for me, held my coat for me, and always stood when I, or any other female, got up from the dining table. Lastly, I started craving Cherry Mash candy.
My quest for Cherry Mash candy took me to several stores throughout the metro area and I finally found them. The taste was not as vivid as I remembered and there was an odd “waxy” taste as well. They weren’t bad, just not as good. Since I’ve been learning to cook I thought I could make my own! I searched the Internet and didn’t find a recipe. One blogger had something close, in that it was cherry and chocolate but it was more of a layered fudge with peanut butter involved and I wanted mine to look and taste like the real thing. I decided I could just make up my own recipe with the knowledge I have acquired over the last year so I pinned that recipe and began searching for cherry chips. Once again, I went to several stores throughout the metro but this time I was not successful. Finally I ordered them from Amazon. When they arrived, I found on the back panel, a close approximation of the recipe from the blogger – also made with peanut butter and in a layered fudge. That’s when I decided to go all maverick and do my own thing.
Cherry Mash Candy
Recipe for the cherry filling:
1. 1 small can of evaporated milk (6 oz)
2. 1 Cup of mini marshmallows (or 7 large ones)
3. 2 Cups sugar
4. 2 Tablespoons unsalted butter
5. 1 bag of Cherry Chips
1. Put the first four ingredients into a saucepan with medium heat.
2. While stirring frequently, allow it to come up to a boil.
3. Stirring constantly now, allow to boil for five minutes.
4. Take saucepan off burner and quickly stir in cherry chips until smooth.
5. Pour cherry filling into a 9 x 13 dish that has wax paper covering the inside.
6. Set dish aside and allow cooling to room temperature. About 45 minutes. Don’t put it in the fridge to hasten the cool down because it will get too hard. Then you will have to use the microwave where it will get too hot. Since you end up waiting the full 45 minutes needed anyway, set it aside and allow it to cool on its own.
7. After 45 minutes has passed, roll 1 teaspoonful cherry filling into a ball and set on baking sheet covered in either wax paper or no-stick foil.
8. When all balls are made, cover loosely and place in freezer for two hours or even overnight.
Coating Recipe:
1. 1 and ½ bags of dark chocolate morsels (18 ounces) **to make up for nuts**
2. ¼ Cup Shortening
3. 1 Cup Chopped no skin peanuts (I used pecans because that’s what we prefer)
1. Place morsels and shortening in a double boiler and stir until smooth and creamy.
2. Mix in nuts until well mixed.
3. Take off burner and prepare to dip balls.
4. Working in batches of 2 or 3 at a time, take frozen balls from freezer and dip in chocolate one at a time, lift out of saucepan and place on non-stick paper or foil on another baking sheet.
5. When all candies are covered in chocolate, set in a cool place until outer chocolate has set.
6. May decorate as desired after candy is completely set.
I hope you enjoy these because they are very good. I took some to work this morning and they were gobbled up very quick by those who like cherries. Enjoy!
Find them here!
Mmmm! And just in time for Valentine’s Day!
You may not know this, but St. Joseph is the home of the Cherry Mash. Even though we can get them year round here, I always make them instead. 🙂 Yours sound delightful! Making my mouth water, that’s for sure!
I did not know that! Lucky you!!
I have really gotten into making candy at home. This looks really easy and I like that you know exactly what is going into them. If you invest in the mini scoop, it makes making the balls super fast. I found another recipe for the filling that does not use the cherry morsels. I do not recall seeing them in our local stores. However the chocolate coating called for paraffin and I am not a fan of paraffin in my chocolate. I will probably use pecans too as we still have several gallons of shelled pecans in our freezer that we love and they are free except for our time to shell them.
Thank you for the recipe. I can’t wait to try them.
So great of you to stop by TexasBlonde! Cherry Morsels are generally in the stores around Christmas and Valentine’s Day so you are probably better off ordering them during this time of year – I think I give you the link on there. Please let me know how you like them! And come back anytime!
What a cute and delicious candy 🙂
Choc Chip Uru
I’ve never heard of cherry mash candy but yours look wonderful. I am sure your dad would have loved them.
I have never heard of cherry chips either! I was going to go have a look to see if there are other chips I am ignorant about but I think you forgot to add the link.
You are so right! Let me do that – shoot! Can’t believe I forgot!! Thank you .
Is there a substitute recipe for the cherry filling. I once read marchino cherries n marshmallow. But I didn’t write it down u hv n e suggestions
Hi Heidi! I’m so sorry — my site went down yesterday and I could not answer you yesterday. What I would do is get some cherry exract and put it in either white or dark chocolate and make that the middle part……….I don’t know a recipe using marchino cherries and marshmallow. Good luck Kelli
Can this recipe be made into bars, instead of balls?
Yay! Fixed it – the link is there now. Thanks again for letting me know.
No problem! Happy to help and we all do it at one time or another. Off to check the link!
I’ve also never hard of Cherry Mash Candy or cherry chips. The best food is always the kind we associate with someone or something precious in our lives.
I should have put a picture of a cherry mash (from their website) in my post – I may have to do that when I get home from work today. You are right – it DOES taste better if we associate it with someone.
Holy cow, I have never heard of such a thing! And I never knew there were cherry chips, either. See what goodness you expose me to? These looks yummy!
Thank you! Really hope you try the chips – they are great to work with!
This looks amazing!
Thank you! It tastes really great as well! Thanks also for stopping by!
You said sugar is that powdered sugar or normal sugar
It is regular granulated sugar! Thanks for asking!
Have no idea where to find cherry chips, but candies really look lovely.
Thank you – they are very tasty! I have kept them in the fridge for a few days and they seem to taste better now than they did when they were first made.
These sound (and look!) amazing!
It must be a southern thing, or I’m too young, but I have never ever heard of cherry mash candy until today. It wasn’t this post either; they had some at Hobby Lobby! I should have bought them just to taste it, haha!
also, Congrats on creating your own recipe! Awesome job!
Thank you very much!
The cherry mash production company is up around St. Joseph Missouri which is not South but mostly Southern people have eaten them…..and they are something older people like. 1918 not only was the first time they were made but they were the year my dad was born (he was 48 when I was born). There are some older folks at Jerry’s flea that are on pins and needles for me to bring some down there. They are very cherry tasting so if you like that taste, you will like it. My mom, husband, and daughter cannot stand them!
I love cherry anything, so I’m sure I’d love them!
I’ve never even heard of cherry mash – probably a good thing 😉
I love Cherry in every way! This is perfect for me, not just for Valentines 😉
Thank you so much for sharing this at Wednesday Extravaganza – hope to see you there again next week – and don’t forget the voting is today!
headed that way now!!
This was my gramma’s favorite candy 🙂
memories are great, aren’t they?
I have never seen cherry chips/morsels. If I had, oh man, it would be on! I would use them like crazy. Thanks for sharing this great recipe with us. I am co hosting with Feeding Big. “In and Out of the Kitchen Link Up Party”
Thank you so much for dropping by! those Cherry chips rock!
I have never heard of these, but they look fantastic. Pinning so that I have the recipe. Found on In and out of the kitchen. Newest follower through linky.
Thank you so much! I actually already have people requesting me to make some more. That’s pretty amazing to me since that NEVER happens! 🙂 Thank you for following me on Linky!
Reblogged this on The Domestically Impaired Guide to the Retro Kitchen Arts and commented:
This morning I saw Cherry Mash candies advertised in the newspaper and then my co-worker said her mother would love to have a recipe for Cherry Mash so I thought it was time to dust off this Halloween favorite! It’s one of the recipes that I truly made up myself! They ARE delicious, if I do say so myself – even Juanita’s Cocina made them and loved them too!
I seem to say this a lot around here, but…yes, please!
They are wonderful Liz! I’m so proud of them!
I can’t wait until I can try making these on my very own. I was introduced to Cherry Mash by my cousin Charlene. We would walk to the little local store and get one of these and proceed to eat them in layers. OH Mmm Gee were they good. Thanks for sharing the recipe. <3 Kim
I am so glad you liked them – please let me know how they turn out! I’m sure you will enjoy.
What company makes cherry chips
You can find them on Amazon or go directly to the site that makes them called Log House. Just google it and the website will come up!
Have you even made theee into bars? We love Cherry Mash – we live in OMaha so grew up with them. Yours is the perfect recipe – no peanut butter-yey! So I have been making them she last couple of years. I also make peanut butter balls and am looking for a time saver – all of those balls! So am thinking of trying them as bars.
I have not made these into bars but if you do — would LOVE to find out how it went. Let us know! Kelli
I’ve never heard of cherry mash candy but boy I am wishing I had!! Sounds so good. This is a fun recipe, I can’t wait to try this!
Aw, what sweet memories of your dad. And, though I’ve never tasted cherry mash candy before, I have a feeling I’d be back for seconds!
Thank you!
I was telling my daughter about your post re the Cherry Mash candy, saying that I had never heard of it. The next morning, Halloween, I found a bag on my desk with two large Cherry Mash pieces. She had found them at Hobby Lobby. Now, I’m even more anxious to make your version. I can find the cherry chips online, but the shipping is ridiculous. I’m going to try some of our specialty shops. Your center mixture sounds a lot better than what is in the Cherry Mash.
That’s great Lillian! If you wait a week or two you may find them next to the chocolate chips or near the baking items. They usually stock them around the holidays here so I buy many and checking the best buy date, make it throughout the year.
These sound great, but must be a regional thing as I have never seen or heard of cherry mash candy and I am in my late sixties. I do not think I have ever sen cherry chips in my area groceries either. I would like to give these a try if I can locate the ingredients. I love chocolate covered cherry candy so maybe these are similar.
They are Nana! Thanks for coming by – I just saw an entire case of those cherry chips on sale at our Wal-Mart. They stock for Christmas and Valentines Day and then sell them out after. I bought up a bunch of bags and will throw them in the freezer……..hopefully you can find them in your neck of the woods because they are great and the only difference in them and chocoalte covered cherry candy is that there is no goo!
your cherry mash candy sounds delicious, would like to try making it, where do you buy the cherry chips? I have never seen then here in our stores[Canada] will try the bulk store. I would like a reply, thanking you in advance.
Hi Carol! It snowed here yesterday and since we aren’t very good in snow I got to stay home from work today – and can get to your question right away!! As I told the lady above you I saw an entire case at Walmart this weekend – but if you can’t get them there, you can try this link and order them – that’s what I do sometimes call Log House directly (they make cherry chips and also CandyQuick) or telephone: (800) 328-5631. or you can get them on Amazon. Please let me know how you like them!!
I have never heard of cherry chips either, but am going to have to get my hands on some ….cherry has always been my favorite flavor! I was just wondering if you used a bag of white chips and almond extract and red food coloring…..would this accomplish a close comparison in flavor or completely different?
I think it’s going to be a completely different flavor. These cherry chips (which were in the discount bin recently at Walmart for 98 cents a bag!) have a tart cherry flavor. So good! You can use the link I provided to order them or call your local Walmart and see if they have any. Thanks!
Thanks so much for the advise….. I checked at our Walmart today while out doing grocery shopping… husband wants the cold weather to end here because the winter months is when I search out and make new recipes and therefore have had a long list of ingredients every week to shop for…..he sure has enjoyed the food though, but I won’t mention what its done to his waistline! Sorry, back to my point LOL! Walmart did not have them. I then checked at a craft store we have here that carries a long line of cake and candy making supplies….still no luck. So I then went on Amazon and there they were all over the place! I ordered several pkgs. I can’t wait to make these Cherry Mash Candies! I make homemade chocolate covered cherries for a couple of people in my family….once I started, they expected them for every birthday and Christmas! So good, but time consuming wrapping all those cherries in the fondant! I want to try this cherry candy recipe out on them , if there’s any left when I get through! Thanks for the recipe!
Whew! You gave it your best shot – but at least you are ordering them before it gets too hot for them to be delivered without already being melted in a big blob – but since you are melting them, it would be fine. however, I think your family will love them! at least if they like cherry and chocolate they will. Let me know how it comes out – I would love to know!
Hi Kelli! I received the cherry chips that I ordered, but with busy schedule just now got around to making the Cherry Mash Candy. And boy are they fabulous!! They are nothing like the time consuming chocolate covered cherries that I was trying to get out of making for a couple family members…. completely two different cherry taste. I will try the cherry mash out on them…..I will probably have to make another batch though….my husband and I have just about devoured this first batch!! It brings back memories of an ice cream bar I used to get as a kid at a corner grocery….. a round barrel shaped chocolate covered vanilla ice cream on a stick with this cherry mash in the center. I couldn’t wait to get to the center! Thanks again for a fabulous recipe!
I am so thrilled! Ijust knew you would love the recipe – I don’t remember the ice cream bar you are talking about – but it sounds like something I should re-create with my ice cream maker this summer!!
I guess I’ve never seen small cans of evaporated milk. How many ounces would I use in the recipe if I buy a large can?
Hi Charlotte! Yes, it is 6 ounces out of a big can – I love those little cans and buy them all the time. So sorry you can’t find them where you live!
Cherry Mash is one of my all time fav candies! Just a week ago I asked hubby to stop by candy store and get some Neccos and look for Cherry Mash. I had to explain what cherry mash was. He found both at the candy store! Yum I will try to make them now.
Thanks for creating the recipe!
Hi Kerry! Thanks for dropping by and please come back again – Cherry Mash is a great candy and brings back wonderful memories……..I hope you do mak it and enjoy it as well because as best I can tell, it tastes just like it used to!
Hi Kelli…My husband LOVES the original St. Joes cherry mash candy..but they are so expensive now! (Any retail candy bar is)…i cannot wait to try this recipe!! He wanted them to look authentic haha…so im glad u went into detail on how to do that!! These look simple and no fail!! Thank u soooo much!! 🙂
Hi Shelly! So glad you stopped by and yes, they are easy – no fail! in fact, I just ordered my cherry chips for this year’s batch!
Love these!! Thank you for the recipe. I have made it twice now for Valentine’s Day. Tastes so much better than store bought.
I’m so glad you love them – we do too! Mostly, thank you so much for taking a moment to tell me!
Found you, and this recipe, at Christmas and also had a tough time finding the chips. When I “stubbled” upon them, I was out of baking mood – 50 dozen cookies and 4 types of candy later – so I saved them and your recipe. Now it’s Easter and I’m going to try these and shape them as eggs. The mash is cooling and I just realized when I doubled the recipe I forgot to double the butter. Will I be in too much trouble? Thanks for your help!!
Hi Kris – wow! Cherry Mash Easter Eggs! It will probably be fine – you posted this about 10 minutes ago so I’m thinking you know if the “red part” is too dry or not by now. As long as you can scoop it up (I highly recommend a regular spoon since it has an egg shape) into the shape you want — it will be just fine. Let me know! Kelli
Thanx for the quick response, Kelli! The mash is still a little too loose – after sitting an hour – so I’ll just let it go until it thickens and see how the eggs come out. I’ll let you know.
I know the Cherry Mash has real maraschino cherries in them. Have you tried chopping and draining some for the centers? Would it be too wet? Your recipe sounds so much better than that layered fudge one w peanut butter. My parents are from KC. They grew up eating them and they KNOW Mash! And they tell me today’s are too waxy. Going to make these for them. Ever thanks!
Hi Priscilla! I did not try chopping up maraschino cherries – I really think it would be too wet…….but let me caution you: I just bought some cherry chips made by Gurney’s at the grocery store……….Log House is completely out online as is Amazon and Gurney’s – that is, unless you don’t mind buying 10 bags! I did not want that many! I bought 5 at the grocery store in the baking aisle. I make a few like these with rum in them at Christmas so there is now a version of rum balls with cherry filling like chocolate covered cherries now. Let me know if you chop some up and how they work out for you! Good luck! Kelli
This is a family favorite. My grandmother use to make it every Christmas and now I continue the tradition with my children. We love it and it tastes much better than the store bought! The cherry chips are hard to find unless you look online or in the smaller locally owned grocery stores, but the hunt is well worth it!
They ARE hard to find – especially this year! But luckily I found some before the little store I get them at ran out……….on line stores were either all out or you had to buy a case! 🙂
My daughters and I made this for Christmas as I LOVE cherry mash. Only thing I did different was sub in crunchy peanut butter for the shortening and nuts because I like a little less crunch. AMAZING!! Best recipe I have tried and I’ve tried several!
I’m very happy that you liked it! I end up making this quite often and it turns out great every time. Thanks for dropping by and please come back again!
I picked up some off brand of cherry chips at Walmart in December and they ended up tasting like play doh smells. They were awful, so watch out for those imitators! PS: I always put a couple of spoons ful of peanut butter in the chocolate covering. Yummy in my tummy!
Can these be made into bars, instead of balls?
Hi Ginger — yes, I think they can be made into bars instead of balls — just cut them accordingly and keep in the freezer until you dip in chocolate! Let us know how they turn out!
I’d like my chocolate coating to be thicker. Can I double dip after the first coat has set? How would I adjust the recipe to achieve this?
Also can I use butter instead of shortening?
Yes — you can double dip and it would be just fine. Be sure to let it set up (in the fridge or freezer) for a while first.
No — don’t use butter, it will not work. You really must use shortening!
I am confused…the recipe calls for 1 cup of mini marshmallows or 16 large sized marshmallows. These two measurements can’t be remotely the same. I suspect it is six large marshmallows, but want to be sure as I only have one bag of cherry chips this Christmas, I have an old recipe for cherry mash bars, but wanted to make this recipe as the candies are dipped and are so beautiful. The old bar recipe crumbles and isn’t as nice as I expect these are for gift giving. I was surprised not to find anything in the comments about this. Please advise!
You are correct! I made a mistake and I guess most people use mini marshmallows. Anyway, you should use 7 large marshmallows and I will make the change to the recipe now. Thank you.