If you are looking for an aesthetically beautiful or extremely healthy recipe, this one isn’t for you. There is really no way to photograph it prettily and there will be lots of calories in it for sure however, it is one of the flagship staples of southern cooking. Chicken Fried Steak. When I met my husband in 2000 I was 38 years old, had been born and raised in the south and spent most all my life here never, ever had I eaten a chicken fried steak. I had no idea what it tasted like or what cut of meat it was. When I would see mother order one at a restaurant, the batter always looked to thick and sometimes she struggled to cut it so if you are going to waste a bunch of calories, I wanted to eat something I love: Fried Chicken. Or, some kind of sugary dish – that’s always good.
After we began dating in 2004, one night he offered to cook for me and I accepted. He was probably tired of eating out or eating one of my 3 dishes. When he told me he was going to be making chicken fried steak, I smiled really big and told him that was great with me! I thought to myself it wasn’t the first time I had pretended to like something a man had cooked for me so I felt confident I would be able to fake “deliciousness” in this too. He also told me something that was music to my ears: Stay OUT of the kitchen. I’m pretty sure that’s when I knew I was in love with him.
He made the meal and we ate it – I ate every single bite of it! It was so wonderfully tender and not as batter filled as I imagined. He also served it as a sandwich instead of with mashed potatoes, gravy (we only have “white” gravy here in the south), corn, and bread. I didn’t feel comatose when I finished eating. I told him it was the best chicken fried steak I had ever eaten! And I would have gotten away with it except just as I said it , my daughter walked in the front door and let him know that it was also the FIRST chicken fried steak I had ever eaten. I then got the third degree about whether I was actually FROM the south or just masquerading as a southern girl in order to “fit in”. Ha!
We only have this every couple of months, mostly when the kids are over. This is our meal of choice for Christmas Eve most years. Tonight he made it and allowed me to take pictures and he told me how he made it with no fear that I might want to take “his dish” away from him. He knew that was never going to happen because this dirties up a lot of dishes as well —but it is oh-so-worth-it!
Chicken Fried Steak
These are the ingredients you will need:
Cube Steak
Ziploc bag
Pour some milk into a bowl:
Sprinkle in Nature’s Made Seasoning – Mr. Picky-eater doesn’t use salt at all because of kidney stones:
Add 2 eggs:
Mix it up:
Put 1 and ½ Cups flour in a Ziploc bag:
Put flour on the meat tray and put more Nature’s Seasonings on it:
Dip Cube Steak in egg mixture:
Put egged steak in Ziploc bag and shake:
Lay steak on floured tray:
All steaks on tray:
Place steaks in frying pan with oil and cook on high for 3 minutes:
Turn steaks over and continue cooking on high for 3 more minutes:
Turn steaks again and reduce heat to medium low so they will cook through turning often:
See those “whitish” spots in the top right of the picture? That means it’s time to turn:
Vegetables to be served with steaks:
All items needed for chicken fried steak sandwich:
Finally! All done and ready to eat, YUM!!
Wish I could eat something like that and live to tell about it! ๐ Looks good!
That’s why we only eat it every couple of months – but it is pure heaven while I’m savoring each bite!
Looks like a great recipe… next time i find cube steak on sale im going to try making it this way and see how the husband likes it! Had to laugh alittle at the comment about the white gravy.. all my life i grew up saying i hated gravy… then when i was in my late 20’s i ended up trying a dish that had white gravy in it.. i loved it. So i guess i only hate some gravy and white gravy is fine.. guess i would do ok in the South LOL
Why yes you would! I remember when I moved to Boulder, CO. My friends and I went to Denny’s or IHOP or someplace like it where I ordered eggs, bacon, hasbrowns and biscuits and gravy (I was in my early 20’s and could eat like that). When I ordered, the waitress looked at me funny but wrote it down. When they brought it out, I looked at the biscuits and there was brown stuff on it. I asked her what it was and when she told me, I told her that was something from a roast and not REGULAR gravy. We both had a laugh, but I had to her take it back. That’s when I learned that not everyone ate white gravy all the time! Thanks for the compliment and reading my post! Come back soon!
Here’s my take on nutrition: Yes, this isn’t exactly a dish to control heart disease but if you eat all foods in moderation, you are still eating a healthy diet. The key? Portion control. Mr. Picky Eater did a good job and I don’t mind it not being pretty as long as it’s authentic.
Thank you FSM!! I really appreciate your comment. Makes me feel better. When I asked him where he got the recipe he told me that “anyone” could figure out how to make that. ha! Well, MOST anyone!
This looks gorgeous my friend, a dish with history ๐
Choc Chip Uru
My youngest daughter loves chicken fried steak and white gravy – something I’ve never made. I’ll have to try this recipe.
This is a great version because it doesn’t have the heavy batter on it that can hold an “old grease” taste- at least to me. White gravy is something I have finally (after many failures) learned how to make well! You and your daughter will love it!
That has made me fancy Chicken even more than I already did (We got roast tonight), this is one for me. Not sure the carrots work for me on the plate though not a carrot fan) ๐ Have a good day
You too! I would love to have another for tonight’s dinner – but I better stick to something with a few more vegetables and less beef! However, this weekend it will be fried chicken – the southern way! YUM!
Love fried cubed steak! I haven’t had that in forever!
It’s a stove top dish and since it’s probably hotter there even than it is here! (106 right now) I would say it’s time you make your mama some!!
That’s one of the few things that I actuallty cook. And well, I might add. Definitely a family fav.! See you in Oct. at the barn sale. Be sure and introduce yourself to us. We Love meeting everyone! Thanks so much for stopping by.
Oh, I will! I can’t wait to get there – Mr. Picky-eater and I love to drive 66 on Saturdays just to see what we can find. You have found yourself a pretty incredible building!
No! How did I miss this one!? My family LOVES chicken fried steak. I make it all the time BUT–confession time–I use frozen steaks. I know, you’re probably shunning our friendship as I speak, but the good news is I haven’t found a recipe for it I’ve liked yet and yours seems so failproof and totally easy. Plus, it’s authentically Southern which I love ๐ please cook for me one day?!
You’ll have to convince Mr. Picky-eater – he’s the one that cooks it, not me! It is easy and the batter isn’t as heavy as in the restaurants, which is good. But I’ll make sure he does! ๐ Now, if you haven’t yet – get over to The Food Blogger’s Network on FB and friend them! I’m so glad I was able to help you out with that place that was stealing your pix!