I must confess, my family hates raisins and refuse to eat even one. About five years ago, Lawyer Boy was in Lafayette, LA for a summer internship and we went to visit. We ate dinner at a wonderful restaurant called Prejean’s where we had gumbo, boudin, and bread pudding with rum sauce. Mr. Picky…
Gooey Goodness in a Loaf
A few weeks ago, I was at Panera bread making a purchase. It was pretty late and as they were putting things away I was offered a loaf of bread for free. Of course I said yes without even asking what kind it was! It sort of has a sourdough bread feel and taste but…
Fresh Bread!
I bet you thought this was a post about making bread, didn’t you? Nope. I don’t think I have worked my way up the cooking food chain far enough to tackle the mixing, rising, kneading, and baking of bread. If I were to make bread, I would want to spray it with lacquer and make…