This may be way more than y’all want to know but……7 years ago I was diagnosed with a hereditary heart condition. My biological father passed away when I was 6 months old and now I have it. Top Girl does as well. When I was going through the diagnosis process, I went to a physician who thought that because I was a woman and in my early 40’s, I couldn’t have cardiac trouble. Anyway, she – without any testing – prescribed me some medication that not only didn’t work but “burned out” my thyroid. I gained a lot of weight. Not enough to have bariatric surgery but more than enough for my small frame. I have lived with the heart condition and extra weight all this time. It seemed that nothing I did would help me lose more than 5 pounds. Period.
A few weeks ago, everything I put in my mouth to eat started tasting sweet. It didn’t matter if it was the hottest Hatch Chile Pepper, it tasted sweet. This alarmed me so I called my wonderful physician who put me on the strictest diet you have ever heard of – seriously, it is so strict – well, I have never been good at self-discipline but I have being toeing the line on this. You see, it could be one of two things: One is bad and one is awful. If it’s the bad one, I can stem the tide and stop the problem with a pretty good weight loss quickly. The other? Well, I will need to be at the ideal weight for my height in order to be in top fighting order for that one. In my heart, I believe it is the former and not the latter so I won’t let him test one way or the other until after my birthday – October 8 – I’ll be 50.
This is my 4th day on the diet and it is working but it is not easy – the first two weeks are going to be really rough. I have tried to cook and post recipes for the blog and I swear, every time I do, something disastrous happens! Just now, I was trying to make a new tailgating recipe (we are big football fans) and I did something to the oven that caused buzzers and warning lights to go off and it might require a visit from the service man. This is where I need your help:
My first 2 weeks will be up on September 16. It is obvious that I am sabotaging myself in the kitchen and am asking you, my blogger friends, to help me out by doing a guest post for me. If I could talk a few of you into doing that, it would make these next 2 weeks less stressful. I sure would appreciate it and so would Mr. Picky-eater – he says I’m going to burn down the house if I try to cook something else! If you are willing, please reply to this post and I will contact you (probably in the evenings) to set it up. I have so many diverse blogger friends and anything you could do to help me out would be appreciated!
Thank you!!
Oh no! Hopefully everything is OK! I have issues losing weight as well, and haven’t thought to get my thyroid checked. I seriously have been running/eating a strict diet/lifting weights/whatever else all this year and have only lost 15 pounds. I know it’s better than nothing, but it’s frustrating :/
I’d totally do a guest post for you. A recipe, I’m assuming? You have my facebook, so just either write on my wall or send me a PM on there!
You are a young girl – for all that work, you should have lost more weight – but are your clothing sizes going down? The weigh lifting my be strengthening your muscles while your size still gets smaller. But, you never know – thyroid is a good place to start. Thanks! I’ll send you a message on FB!
My friend I am so sorry you have to go through this issue – my prayers are with you and best wishes for the diet!
Ordinarily I would have without a doubt emailed you by now to guestpost but my exams are too pressuring to even cook these days ๐
My biggest apologies! My exams finish on September 20th so if you still need anyone contact me and I will be there – again I am very sorry my friend!
Don’t you apologize honey, there is not one adult on this site who would think you should! I appreciate your empathy and if I do need someone after the 16th, I will call on you…….thank you so much!
Kelly, anything I can do to help. I know I’ll never meet most of my bloggy friends but you truly are a friend to me. I’ll keep you in my prayers and I can possibly have something if you need it as soon as this Friday’s post. Just need to make sure my photos are good.
What a great favor! yes, please!! Whenever you get it done is good for me. I try to post about 3 times per week and one of your faulous sweet treats would be wonderful! I’ll email you on FB with the deets. KK
I’d love to help too, if I’m worthy ๐ Life is unpredictable but one thing is certain- good friends take care of each other!
That would be great! I love that I have such wonderful blogger friends! I’ll email you – thank you so much!
Kelli sorry to hear of your health issues, I do hope things get easier for you. As a fellow hypothyroid patient (it’s true men get it too) I can sympathise about the weight losing I have just given up now and have remained steady at my current weight for a good few years now (apart from when I was ill and lost a lot, which nearly all went back on). I would like to volunteer to do some guest blogs, but as you are probably aware me and cooking don’t exactly go hand in hand, albeit that I love food.
I was shocked to hear you join the over 50’s club in October for some reason I assumed you were in your very early 40’s…
Take care
Thank you! It’s always sweet when someone thinks you are younger than you are, but my daughter is 31 years-old! I so appreciate your empathy and offer! I may take you up on the offer though. I’ve had several agree to do it already but if something happens and they can’t, I hope you will allow me to call on you as a back up! You are a gem! KK
Hope you are feeling better soon! My mom has hypothyroid, it runs in my family and I take iodine drops because I could be prone to getting it too. I know how hard it must be so take care, and I will be doing some posts soon on thyroid conditions.
Thank you! I will look forward to your posts!
Hey there, I just got back from vacation and saw this, as well as your most recent post. I wish I could help you, you know I want to! But after being gone for the past week, I leave Monday morning for another week (work this time). At least know that your readers (yes, that’s me) are with you on this and understand if you don’t have as many posts for a little while. Hang in there and good luck with everything. I can’t believe how much you have lost so quickly!
Thanks Alicia! I appreciate all the support I have received. It has not been easy to lose this but I really only had headaches the first 2 days and then after that, I would just be hungry. Luckily, my husband was aware that would happen so he planned little activities every night to keep my mind off it. And it worked. I didn’t cheat at all and at the end of a week – wow! I’m only supposed to weigh myself and report to the dr. on it once per week but – yeah, that’s not going to happen – I weigh every single morning! ๐ Be careful on your trip next week!!