Hi all – I haven’t been around lately but remember, I told you I was having a difficult time at work – but all that is over, finally! I made a big decision to leave my position after almost 20 years of public service. I feel very good about it and am excited to move…
Fresh Apple Cake
When my mother finally consented to give me the family recipe for apple cake, she insisted I call it “Fresh” Apple Cake – we had a conversation about “rotten” apple cake and the odds of THAT, but as mothers often do, she won out and so the official title of this post is Fresh Apple…
Dappled Apple Dessert
I love Pink Lady apples, like the picture above. They are dappled yellow and red. I used to love the deep red delicious apples but now they have better outside color and no taste inside. So, I stick with my Pink Ladies that are in abundance right now. I hope you like the recipe because…